Keeping customers and employees connected
NEC's UNIVERGE SV9500 communications solution creates a smart work environment with flexible communications and collaboration options that easily adapt to a wide range of situations. The result is a highly-connected organization able to work together and use internal resources to respond more effectively to organizational and customer demands.
With a suite of applications and feature-rich services that can be easily scaled according to organization needs, the SV9500 makes it simple and intuitive to connect with colleagues, customers and even business partners without delay or loss of capability virtually from anywhere, at any time and on any device.
With the choice of full redundancy appliance server, virtualized software and enterprise (SE) server models and centralized, distributed, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure, the SV9500 can be structured and right-sized to support and maintain optimal functionality tailored to existing and evolving requirements.
Expandable to 16,000 IP extensions within a single system and up to 192,000 IP extensions in a networked system, equipped with SIP and ISDN signaling protocol and access to the latest communications technology ensures the SV9500's sustained relevance.
Network session border controls, mobile desktop call transfer, single number reach and Apple® iPhone®, iPad® and Android™ compatibility lets the SV9500 deliver secure and uninterrupted accessibility from virtually anywhere, at any time and on any device.
Simple integration, intuitive customizable interface and a centralized system able to support a broad range of voice, unified messaging, voicemail and unified communications applications and services makes the SV9500 a robust tool that is easy to support and maintain.
Reliable, flexible and easy-to-use, the SV9500 can be a powerful communications and collaboration tool in creating highly-efficient environments able to deliver industry-specific personalized experiences.
Erfahren Sie, wie das Springfield Utility Board (SUB), ein öffentliches Versorgungsunternehmen (Elektrizität, Wasser, Telekommunikation) in Oregon die Bedürfnisse seiner Gemeinde erfüllt hat, indem ein altes Kommunikationssystem am Ende seiner Lebensdauer durch die neueste, hochmoderne NEC-Technologie ersetzt wurde – wodurch SUB-Kunden selbst während des schlimmsten Schneesturms der letzten 50 Jahre dort anrufen konnten. Durch den reibungslosen Wechsel zu einem Fehlertoleranten NEC-Server und einer virtuellen NEC-Plattform (UNIVERGE SV9500 mit erweiterten Contact-Center-Tools und Kennzahlberichten, integrierter Notfallwiederherstellung und vielem mehr) sind die (3) Standorte von SUB miteinander verbunden und der Kundendienst von SBU ist rund um die Uhr erreichbar.